At the Growing Food Growing Health and Growing Food Growing Hope gardens in Lawrence, Kansas, we teach students how to grow food while taking care of the Earth, to work as members of a team, and to facilitate community healing and engagement among those who are recovering from addiction and those who are food insecure.
Get to know our gardeners and our work in the community.
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Thank you to our Partners
We are grateful to our community partners for their support. Thank you to:
The Merc Co+op
Silver Lake Bank
Farm to Market Bread
Edie Insurance
Mellowfields Farm
DCCCA Lawrence
Lawrence Douglas County Housing Authority
USD 497 Lawrence Public Schools
Douglas County Community Foundation
Thank you for your support
We accomplish this work with the help of our talented Student Gardeners, dedicated staff, and our extended community. Thank you for your support.

Growing food growing health
Community Mercantile Education Foundation
The mission of Growing Food Growing Health is to nourish and inspire personal well-being, strengthen community connections, and support sustainable, local food systems.
We fulfill our mission by creating beautiful and productive gardens, developing youth leaders, and using food as a transformative path to health.